Code of Conduct
The following is a “Code of Conduct” for the Construx Software Executive Summit. The purpose of the Code is to maximize the Summit experience for all participants by providing all participants with a shared understanding of the standards for interaction.
Proportional Participation. Summit participants are some of the most senior people in the software industry and are accustomed to being the major software development authorities within their organizations. The Summit provides an opportunity for peer-to-peer interactions among very senior software personnel. Therefore, each participant agrees to keep his or her participation proportional to the size of the discussion group. In other words, in a discussion group of 10 people, each participant would normally contribute about 1 time out of 10.
Affirmative Contribution. Each participant agrees that he or she will affirmatively contribute and support the contributions of others in order to promote the value and usefulness of the Summit. Attendees will both listen to others’ experiences and viewpoints and also offer their own experiences and viewpoints.
Confidentiality and Discretion. While all Summit participants agree to be frank in their comments, participants agree not to disclose confidential or proprietary information. It is each participant’s responsibility to monitor his or her own contributions to Summit discussions to ensure that sensitive matters are not inappropriately disclosed to other participants. General conclusions and profession-enhancing insights are, of course, encouraged to be shared with other Summit participants. Construx has taken care to avoid assigning participants from competing companies to the same discussion groups. Participants should remember that Plenary sessions and hallway conversations are open to everyone, including possible competitors.
Good Cheer. The participants agree that they will maintain a courteous demeanor and a positive outlook towards each other while interacting at Summit meetings, even during genuine disagreements and spirited debates.
Violations of the Code of Conduct
Summit participants who violate any provision of this Code of Conduct will receive a verbal or written warning for each of the first two violations. For three or more warnings, Construx reserves the right to expel a participant from the Summit without reimbursement for Summit fees, travel expenses, or any other expenses. Naturally, we believe it is unlikely we will need to exercise this policy, but we reserve the right to maintain the quality of the event for all participants.