Construx is a recognized provider with the IIBA Endorsed Educational Provider Program (IIBA EEP®). Construx accepts and adheres to all IIBA program policies, requirements and rules concerning the provision of professional education activities and materials. Attendees receive Continuing Development Units (CDUs) for completing each IIBA Endorsed course.

Reporting Activities

The following information has been extracted from the IIBA’s Certification application, the IIBA’s Recertification Requirements Handbook and the IIBA web site. Construx provides it convenience only. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the IIBA’s web site at:

Continuing Development Units for Construx Classes

According to IIBA, you are responsible for reporting your activities. For information on how to report your activities, please refer to IIBA’s web page The CBAP Certification Process.

Construx Seminars fall under Category 2: Professional Development. Endorsed seminars have had the number of CDUs approved by the IIBA. Seminars that are not currently endorsed can still receive CDUs. However, the CDUs allotted to non-endorsed seminars must be determined by the IIBA Certification Manger. It is roughly one hour of contact time for each CDU.

Currently endorsed seminars are:

  • Requirements Boot Camp
  • Agile Requirements in Depth
  • Agile Requirements Modeling

Documentation requirements include

  • Org. Name & Address: Construx Software, 10900 NE 8th ST STE 1350, Bellevue, WA 98004
  • Org. Contact & Email: Seminar Director
  • Program ID: EE143

Reporting requirements to record the seminar in the CBAP® CDU reporting form using and retain a course registration form and a certificate/letter of attendance.


All CBAPs are subject to an audit. In an event of an audit, the CBAP can renew only after a successful audit completion. Records for CDUs must be maintained for at least 18 months after your current certification cycle has ended.

For those who attended our public seminars: CBAPs can use the Construx Certificate of Completion to document your activities. Construx’s maintains the attendance based on the information you provided during registration.

For those who attended seminars at your company: Most companies do not ask Construx to provide a Certification of Completion and Construx does not maintain an attendance record. If needed, you can request a certificate by sending an e-mail to with the following information:

  • The subject line “Request Seminar Certificate”
  • The name of the seminar you attended
  • The date of the seminar you attended
  • The instructor name
  • Your name as it should appear on the certificate
  • Your mailing address