Software Estimation in Depth for Agile Projects
We offer private training, at your location or virtually, and an OnDemand course catalog.
About this course
Agile development and Scrum in particular have opened the door to powerful new estimation approaches. This course provides many useful rules of thumb, procedures, and lightweight math for creating software estimates (“the art of estimation”) and briefly introduces mathematically-intensive approaches to creating software project estimates (“the science of estimation”).
This course features extensive lab work to give you hands-on experience creating many different kinds of software estimates–for large, medium, and small projects as well as calibrating estimates to be accurate for your specific development environment. This seminar is based on the best selling book Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art, by Steve McConnell.
You will understand the context in which Agile estimation occurs, and learn when to use Scrum-specific techniques and when to use more general practices, as well as details of how to implement many specific estimation techniques.
Who should take this course
This seminar will be useful to scrum masters, project managers, product managers, program managers, technical leads, software engineers, developers and anyone else who wants to learn to effectively estimate software feature sets, costs and schedules.