Agile Development at Scale
Online Course
Learn the scaling principles that will help you build up your agile development teams.
About Agile Development at Scale
Duration: 2h 49m
Resources: Course Workbook
Doing agile software development well with a single team and a single product backlog is difficult but known. What about with two teams? Five teams? Multiple backlogs? Many organizations quickly find that what works well with a single team and a single product backlog doesn’t scale up simply. But what changes? This course introduces eight scaling principles to guide you in building up your agile development team. Derived from Construx’s industry benchmark 10x development principles, the scaling principles show you how to scale well.
The course also illustrates the scaling principles in several core areas of scaling action: mastering single-team agility, aligning humans, clarifying roles, allocating backlogs, converging work, and dealing with specialists. The course sections covering these areas of action contain multiple tactics that you can immediately employ to implement the scaling principles.
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Your Instructor
Earl Beede
Senior Fellow