What will you learn from the Agile Team Metrics Beta?

Join the open beta for the brand new Agile Team Metrics online course. You’ll learn a wide variety of questions and metrics you can use to significantly improve your ability to inspect and adapt.

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About Agile Team Metrics

  Duration: 3 – 3.5h
  Resources: Course Workbook

Inspect and adapt is a core principle in Agile software development. But how do you “inspect”? And how do you determine whether your “adapt” efforts are effective? This course illustrates metrics Agile teams can use to improve—the metrics have been chosen to work specifically with Agile development approaches. Aimed at the team level, the course is organized by 29 common questions teams ask themselves. Metrics related to each question—most of which are monitorable across multiple sprints or releases—enable Agile teams to gain greater and greater insight into both their strengths and their areas for improvement.

Bring one of our experts to your location to teach this course.

Getting Started

  • Introduction by Steve McConnell, author of CODE COMPLETE
  • Course Objectives and Organization

Why We Measure

  • Pictures and Questions
  • Facts, Measurement Theory, and Terminology
  • Abstraction and Human Comprehension
  • Data-Driven Decisions

Measurement Fundamentals

  • Proxies
  • Characterization
  • Evaluation and Prediction
  • Precision and Accuracy
  • Product, Project, and Process

Scrum Team Questions

  • What is our velocity?
  • Metric detail: How do we characterize story points?
  • Are we on track to meet our sprint goal?
  • Is the definition of ready/done good enough?
  • Is the team ready for the next sprint?
  • How much of the fixed release have we completed?

Kanban Questions

  • What is the average in-queue time?
  • What is the average in-work time?
  • What is the flow through my kanban?

Product Questions

  • What is the quality level?
  • How much is done?
  • Metric detail: What is a BERI and a value path?
  • What is the value delivered?

Project Questions

  • Are we close to our plan?
  • Metric detail: How do we calculate earned value?

Process Questions

  • Are we predictable?
  • Metric detail: What is statistical process control?
  • Where are the process bottlenecks?
  • How much rework are we creating?
  • Is “X” procedure doing what we expect?
  • How much variation do we normally experience?
  • Metric detail: How do we calculate forecast error?

Release Questions

  • How often do we release on time?
  • What is our initial defect rate on release?
  • What is our 90-day defect rate?
  • How close have we come to our budget?
  • How happy is the leadership team with execution and delivery?

Personal Questions

  • Are my plan items sharable?
  • How much non-specialist work do I do?

Creating Advanced Metrics

  • Combinations and Derivatives
  • Scorecards
  • Metrics Are a Placeholder for a Conversation

After you complete this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify and remove the barriers to getting good metrics
  • Build your own metrics program best suited to your Agile implementation
  • Gain deeper insight into specific areas of Agile development
  • Educate others, including leadership, on how to properly use metric

Your instructor—Construx senior fellow Earl Beede—has designed this course to let you pick and choose from many questions that Agile teams need to answer so as to monitor and improve their performance:

  • What is our velocity?
  • Are we on track to meet our sprint goal?
  • Is the definition of ready/done good enough?
  • Are we on track for the next release?
  • What is the quality level?
  • How much rework are we creating?
  • And many more

This course is for:

  • Scrum Masters
  • Product Owners
  • Development Team members who want to inspect and adapt their Agile implementation
  • Managers and leaders who want to empower their Agile teams

This course assumes you are using some of the methodologies described in these Construx OnDemand courses:

Your Instructor

Earl Beede
Senior Fellow



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