Seeking International Partners

Make an impact in international software development

Who We Are

Construx is a leader in software development best practices training and consulting. Our international expansion is led by Washington Performance Consulting (WPC), which provides partners with support for market growth and development.

Over the past thirty years, Construx and WPC have provided services to hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Our global clients include Adobe, Cisco, Intel, Expedia, HP, Microsoft, Boeing, Airbus Industries, AstraZeneca, SAP, Huawei, Samsung, Shell, Roche, and more.

Consulting Engagements
Unique Programs
Global Countries
Fortune 1000 Companies Served

Why Partner with Us?

We believe that all software projects can be successful—and we believe that the success we’ve helped US software projects achieve can be expanded into new markets with our proven methods.

construx summit keynote

Our Brand

Construx was founded and is led by CEO Steve McConnell, award-winning author of the critically acclaimed Code Complete and thought leader on software development best practices.

Construx helps companies solve their software challenges by adopting practices that have been proven to produce high-quality software faster and with greater predictability.

Our Beliefs

Every software team and project can be more successful.

Our relationships with international partners help bring software project success to every part of the world.

Most software teams can perform significantly better than they are now, and you can help us unlock their full potential.

Interested in partnering with us?

Learn more about starting a mutual partnership today.